Explore the 21 PEP Policies that will propel Trinidad into a bright and prosperous future.
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Interest to be paid on depositors funds at rates set by Central Bank. Abolish ALL banking fees not compliant with terms of the banking license. Open the banking sector to intemational competilion. Cap the spread of foreign exchange. The difference in the prices for buying and selling foreign exchange (The spread) puts an unnecessary 10-13% tax on the economy. Capping it to under 3% would save billions of dollars lost to artificial inflation and corporate profiteering.
Make all public office holders accountable. Enact recall and termination ligislation of instances of non-performance and misconduct in public affairs
Build and operate 41 healthcare facilities complete with accident and emergency/minor surgery services that would put healthcare within easy reach for all citizens,twenty four hours a day,seven days a week. Deploy professionally trained,call centre controlled paramedic ambulance service to firestations, health centres and/or police stations to allow for emergency responses in under 10 minutes nationwide. Monitor fleet via GPS and AI.
We should increase mass transit and reduce traffic into the capital of the country. Bike lanes and easy and safe storage of bicycles should be provided to the citizens.
Those who run afoul of the law and end up in jail would be given the tools to return to society better equipped than when they entered. No more will we lock our citizens away in slave era dungeons. Mandatory literacy,therapeutic counselling and conflici resolution skills,together with opportunities to learn trades and even attain University degrees would be offered to encourage personal development, and provide hope and opportunity away from a life of crime. We should also close down our outdated facilities.
Zero deposit, zero interest for 30 years for first time home owners, for up to $1.5 million. Allowing even minimum wage earners to own a home.
Decentralize all public developments and maintenance works to constituencies. With all contractors and employees having to reside within the constituency where projects are located.
Establish radar connected security platforms three miles out at sea to create a virtual wall around T&T. Manned by law enforcement professionals and equipped with fast attack boats and interceptor helicopter gunships that would then force "stop and search" all marine craft entering our waters. This will bring an end to the illegal trades in guns, drugs and human cargo.
Set food targets based on national consumption data. Make farm land available rent free to small farmers. Set crop schedules; purchase harvests and distribute produce through 41 constituency wholesale and retail markets
Clean Reliable Pipe Borne Water for All. Decentralize water management and distribution to all 41 constituencies through the estanlishment of constituency owned and operated water purification and distribution plants.
Establish'New City' within easy access from from all corners of T&T for offices of State currently based in Port of Spain. Implement online and ATM payments wherever possible for ease of payment and decentralisation of transactions. Properly done, thls would end the hoors lost to traffic faceed by State employees twice daily,and put essential services within easy reach to all
Apply a recycling taxto plastic bottles at manufacturing or import stage. Redeem tax for return of discarded bottles so as to encourage environmental cleanup. provide a ready stock of material for road building and construction industries, and generate revenue for those least employable and most in need
Shut down all special purpose companies and establish robust and transparent tenders' processes that disconnects purchase decisions and contractual awards away from the political directorate. Sell non-essential State companies.
Medical Marijuana is now the number one cash crop in California and other jurisdictions in the USA. Marijuana grown for export to the global pharmaceutical industry could create massive revenue streams and much needed jObs. Regulated and controlled the way tobacco and alcohol are would allow for much needed protections and controls,and remove the criminal underworld from the equation
Engage the services of foreign law enforcement internal affairs and investigation teams to dean up the police service of corruption and criminal activity. Establish continuous training & assessmeot indusive of mandatory drug and polygraph testing.Incentivise law enforcement through bonuses and rewards for exemplary service. Establish promotion policy based on merit and instructed by knowledge and skill development as well as unblemished records.
Abolish the abusive SEA. Make all schools 10-year zoned schools. Establish a system that monitors the performance of students, teachers and principals simultaneously using data analytics. Create a Constituency Education Board of Supervisors
Abolish the abusive SEA. Make all schools 10-year zoned schools. Establish a system that monitors the performance of students, teachers and principals simultaneously using data analytics. Create a Constituency Education Board of Supervisors
Make education finance available that can be repaid either as loans or Though public service In disciplines deemed essential to national development. Establish assessment facilities for skills and trades certification. Develop a national trades and skills master plan to guide career choices.
For too long the local tnt banks have had a predatory relationship with the citizens of this country.
Companies and families that are still alive today which profited from slavery in our country, should be made to pay reparations to the people of our country
Until an actual bridge is built. We must work to ensure that all goods and services that are available in Trinidad are also available in Tobago at the same prices, and that movement between both islands ts uncomplicated and affordable. Establish within the sister isle opportunities for further education in tourism and agricultur, and create credit facilrties that support the development of the island's other industries
Make universal home ownership a reality and job creation a top priority. Encourage foreign direct investment in labour intensilleb usiness partnerships Set medium-term national 'jobs-for-all' masterp1an that leaves no citizen behind. Establish a living wage policy to guide the minimum wage.
Cap election spending that disqualifies candidates for breaches. Enact equal opportunrty media law. Remove the $5000 deposit currently required to contest an election. Candidates must reside within the constituency they hope to contest.